Thursday, January 21, 2010

year by year by year by year.

Everyone has stories from when they were 17. Stories that they will always remember about experiences, people and events that changed the tenor of the rest of their lives.

I kinda can't wait to find out what mine's going to be.


  1. boy i know i sound stupid, but 17 feels like such a long time ago. i am half kidding ;)

    but i have to say that the one thing from 17 that i want to remember is our friendship, because we have stayed friends through thick and thin since we were 10. that is a really long time! and i really can't tell you what life is going to be like not seeing you everyday next year. we are going to have to call each other everyday.

  2. KT: If you disagree, do you think that there are no such stories, that not every one has them, or that they change your life? Or something else entirely?
