Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Snow:



Saturday, December 12, 2009

You must remember

"I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." - Marilyn Monroe

"I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, December 10, 2009

For you

I think maybe it's not life itself you become tired of, but the life you find yourself leading. You need not to give in so easily. Stand up and prove that you are as strong as you want everyone to believe. Being strong doesn't mean you do everything right or make it through. It means you try.

You have it in you to try. What value is there in a life lived any other way? Before you think it, I'm not asking you to live like I want to or like I would. Be you, but be you all the way.

I love you so much, my ukulele, and you worry me a lot. You also, though, inspire me to do so much that I didn't even think of doing. I can't lose you.

I'd give you the world if I didn't think you'd have a better time reaching for it yourself.

-isms from that "obvious, yet anonymous" teacher we know and love

"Y'all live in a society that forces you to be adults; you are supposed to be kids, you're still kids, you're supposed to go play. Heck when I was your age I was lighting fields on fire and throwing snowballs at police officers."

"Open the blinds you vampires."
Relatedly: "Shut up, Edward."

"Teacher:Can you demonstrate this proper 'squatting procedure'?
Student: You're going to show that you can do it?
Teacher: No. You do it and I'll tell you if I could or not."

"Did you listen to that speech yet? It was killer."

"I thought y'all might want to see this cake I might share with you."

Teacher: Did you just say "mohito"?
Student 1: No. Why would I say mohito?
Teacher: I don't know. It could be the new slang for, like, "a moment ago". Like: "When did this happen?" "Mohito"
Student 2: No, [other, identical teacher] already knows about mohito. They're the same person.
Teacher: *picks up phone* "[other, identical teacher]. Mohito." *puts down phone*

AS told by a student:

he's like:

"did you know vic chesnutt committed suicide"

i was like "yeah, i did..." [tries to get back to work]

teacher: "dont laugh"

"im not laughing"

teacher: "this is not funny"

"i know, im not laughing"

and i wasn't

he starts to walk away

as he goes into the other room "heartless...heartless [wench]"

Student: How are you today?
Teacher: Well. [typical pause] My heart's still beating.

"You don't understand. You always have two pieces of gum at a time. Always."

"This is wack."

Flight of the Conchords.

Referring to A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: "'If you think about things, you can understand them.' Indeed, Stephen."

Teacher: *sighs, shakes head* Youth.
[typical pause]
It's wasted on the young.
Student: I KNEW that was coming.

"Otis bewteen Chesnutt and Waters is like a Fluffernutter sandwich on a spelt and millet multigrain skillet bread. I guess it makes sense....Hell, I don't even get Chesnutt, but I enjoy feeling like my spleen is being torn out of my abdomen in a highly literate and poetic way." -in an email

STUDENT 1: Well, I'm supposed to go to a bar mitzvah but I'm totally ditching that.

TEACHER: Is that a mitzvah in a bar?

STUDENT 2: If she had said bat mitzvah you wouldn't have been able to make that joke.

TEACHER: Yeah, then it'd have been a mitzvah in the Bat Cave.

"Gotta git down."

Has he met his match?

B: "I think my daughter could learn things from you."
K: "You have a daughter?"
B: "She's 11."
K: "Interesting."
B: "Did you just say interesting?"
K: "Yes."
B: "I like you."

B: "You should go on the trampoline with that s'more. It really enhances the whole experience."
K: "If I did that then I'd see it after I ate it."
B: "It's even better the second time around."

J: Dad, I really like Pibb.
B: That's MR. Pibb to you, son.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Falling Round

Do you ever feel like you're in a snow globe? Perhaps on a day like today when the snow swirls past the windows of classrooms making it seem all that more warm inside after the involuntary shiver. Maybe when the flakes blind your windows and beat against the sides of the car as you careen precariously in your warm bubble from place to place. Outside is a toxic place, uninhabitable by humanity. Only mad dashes through the weather can bring you home. The world becomes pockets connected only by modern technology. Your entire world becomes one room, one chair, one window. We huddle to those around us. We are small, insignificant things in the face of the fury of the universe.
That kind of day.

But if we're in a snow globe, who's shaking us? Can they see the glass above that is above them, too? Or are they just as blind, as blinded as the rest of us?

I'm looking through you

Everyone pretends they've grown up, matured and become better people. They haven't.

Remember middle school?
THAT'S how your life is going to be for the rest of your life. For real.

Thank you, depressing realization of the day.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

.make it.

I am not content to be merely entertained for the rest of my life. I am, however, content to entertain myself. I plan to have a grand old time. Why bother with anything else?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I wish the gibberish of banging a keyboard was even more eloquent than the understanding that extreme emotion bubbled over so much in that moment that there was no other way to express it

you know what I think?


as a generation (I think I'm going to stop generalizing about my generation). A a person so tied to the internet, including e-mail, IM, facebook and even texting, all forums of immediate publication ond conversation by print, we cannot help but over analyze our motive, emotions and meaning.

by the time I get a thought out in words, no matter how fast I type, it's entirely possible that I have moved on or changed my mind

but it's there, then


oh god


it's recorded

(you are totally free to ignore this...which is kind of my point, actually)


no i liked that and agree


haha yeah, but now I'm thinking about ignoring online vs. in real conversation

ok. original point. umm


it takes so long, there's no understanding of sarcasm or body language or simple emotions, it's all blow up and apart. people can't help but over think everything. with the speed, even punctuation can be lost leaving interpretation so much more up to the reader.

but even more to my point, I'm not sure where i was going with my original point. I'd moved on by the time I got to the end of it.